Cancellation & Refund Policy


  • Can I cancel my subscription?

    Once you have paid the subscription fees, it is deemed that you have access to the current and past recommendations of the service. As such, there are no refunds possible under any circumstances.

  • Will I be refunded if I cancel my subscription?

    there are no refunds possible under any circumstances. The subscription benefits will be available till your next renewal date, after which your account will no longer have the membership if you do not renew the services. In such cases, Cupressus Enterprises Pvt Ltd. shall not refund any money paid towards any paid plan.

  • In the event of account deactivation / suspension / restriction / termination

    Cupressus Enterprises Pvt Ltd. shall not refund any money paid towards any paid plan in case of deactivation / suspension / restriction / termination of any user account in the above mentioned circumstances. Please read our Terms and Conditions for more information.

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